Andre Gide Quotes

Text Quotes
The anxiety we have for the figure we cut, for our personage, is constantly cropping out. We are showing off and are often more concerned with making a display than with living. Whoever feels observed observes himself (Andre Gide Quotes)
If a young writer can refrain from writing, he shouldn’t hesitate to do so (Andre Gide Quotes)
I am lost if I attempt to take count of chronology. When I think over the past, I am like a person whose eyes cannot properly measure distances and is liable to think things extremely remote which on examination prove to be quite near (Andre Gide Quotes)
Then you think that one can keep a hopeless love in one’s heart for so long as that?... And that life can breathe upon it every day, without extinguishing it? (Andre Gide Quotes)
We should enjoy this summer, flower by flower, as if it were to be the last one we’ll see (Andre Gide Quotes)
I prefer granting with a good grace what I know I shan’t be able to prevent (Andre Gide Quotes)
They establish distinctions and reserves which I cannot apply to myself, for I exist only as a whole; my only claim is to be natural, and the pleasure I feel in an action, I take as a sign that I ought to do it (Andre Gide Quotes)
In order to be utterly happy the only thing necessary is to refrain from comparing this moment with other moments in the past, which I often did not fully enjoy because I was comparing them with other moments of the future (Andre Gide Quotes)
I can’t expect others to share my virtues. It’s good enough for me if they share my vices (Andre Gide Quotes)
It is the special quality of love not to be able to remain stationary, to be obliged to increase under pain of diminishing (Andre Gide Quotes)
Through fear of resembling one another, through horror of having to submit, through uncertainty as well, through skepticism and complexity, there is a multitude of individual little beliefs for the triumph of strange little individuals (Andre Gide Quotes)
An experience teaches only the good observer; but far from seeking a lesson in it, everyone looks for an argument in experience, and everyone interprets the conclusion in his own way (Andre Gide Quotes)
Great minds tend toward banality. It is the noblest effort of individualism. But it implies a sort of modesty, which is so rare that it is scarcely found except in the greatest, or in beggars (Andre Gide Quotes)
We no longer admit any other truth than that which is expedient; for there is no worse error than the truth that may weaken the arm that is fighting (Andre Gide Quotes)
A desire for truth is by no means a need for certitude and it would be unwise to confuse one with the other (Andre Gide Quotes)
It is better to fail at your own life than to succeed at someone else’s (Andre Gide Quotes)
If only we could lean over the soul we love and see as in a mirror the image we cast! (Andre Gide Quotes)
An artist cannot get along without a public; and when the public is absent, what does he do? He invents it, and turning his back on his age, he looks toward the future for what the present denies (Andre Gide Quotes)
What thwarts us and demands of us the greatest effort is also what can teach us most (Andre Gide Quotes)
I advise the young to tell themselves constantly that most often it is up to them alone (Andre Gide Quotes)
I believe that in every circumstance I have been able to see rather clearly the most advantageous course I could follow, which is very rarely the one I did follow (Andre Gide Quotes)
The very act of sacrifice magnifies the one who sacrifices himself to the point where his sacrifice is much more costly to humanity than would have been the loss of those for whom he is sacrificing himself. But in his abnegation lies the secret of his grandeur (Andre Gide Quotes)
Do not do what someone else could do as well as you. Do not say, do not write what someone else could say, could write as well as you. Care for nothing in yourself but what you feel exists nowhere else. And, out of yourself create, impatiently or patiently, the most irreplaceable of beings (Andre Gide Quotes)
At times is it seems that I am living my life backward, and that at the approach of old age my real youth will begin. My soul was born covered with wrinkles. Wrinkles my ancestors and parents most assiduously put there and that I had the greatest trouble removing (Andre Gide Quotes)
Man! The most complex of creatures, and for this reason the most dependant of creatures. On everything that has formed you, you may depend. Do not balk at this apparent slavery... a debtor to many, you pay for your advantages by the same number of dependencies. Understand that independence is a form of poverty; that many things claim you, that many also claim kinship with you (Andre Gide Quotes)
O my dearest and most lovable thought, why should I try further to legitimize your birth? (Andre Gide Quotes)
Are you then unable to recognize a sob unless it has the same sound as yours? (Andre Gide Quotes)